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Car Accidents Specialist

Patrick S Hill, MD -  - Spine Surgeon

Patrick S Hill, MD

Spine Surgeon & Disc Replacement Specialist located in Beverly Grove, Los Angeles, CA

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of spinal injuries. Severe neck or back pain after an auto accident requires prompt care from an expert, and that’s the best time to reach out to Patrick Hill MD in the Beverly Grove area of Los Angeles, California. A part of DOCS Health, Dr. Hill’s extraordinary skill in the area of minimally invasive spine surgeries can help you return to your normal life after an accident. Book an appointment online or call the office to schedule your consultation today.

Car Accidents Q & A

What types of spinal injuries can occur in car accidents?

Car accidents can cause many types of injuries, from head to toe, but your spine is especially vulnerable. At the moment of impact, your whole spine, from your neck (cervical spine) to your lower back (lumbar spine), can sustain serious injury. Some of the most common spinal injuries in car accidents are:


Whiplash is the most common car accident-related injury. It occurs after your neck whips forward and back during the moment of impact. Whiplash can cause a collection of issues in the soft tissues all around the cervical spine. 

Disc herniation

Disc herniation occurs when one of your intervertebral discs cracks and leaks some of its soft contents into the spinal canal. This damage can pressure your nerve roots and may cause enormous pain. 

Vertebral fracture

A vertebral fracture is a break in any vertebrae that make up your spine. 


Spondylolisthesis is an injury that happens when one of your vertebrae slides out of place, essentially falling onto the vertebrae underneath it. 

Cervical stenosis

Cervical stenosis occurs when the spaces in your cervical spine narrow and pressure nerve roots or the spinal cord. While usually an age-related condition, cervical stenosis can also develop after accidents.

Depending on your spine health before the car accident, you could experience a more severe spinal injury than you otherwise would. For example, if you already have a bulging disc, the impact of the car accident could cause disc herniation.

When should I seek medical care after car accidents?

It's always best to seek immediate medical attention after a car accident, even if you don't believe you have a serious injury. 

In the confusion, stress, and shock following the accident, you might not realize the true impact of your injuries, so it's wise to see a professional for evaluation. Dr. Hill performs comprehensive car accident evaluations, including careful physical exams and imaging tests to find the injuries that might not be immediately obvious. 

Avoiding medical care after an auto accident may allow your injury to worsen; however, if you start treatment right away, you can get back to your life as quickly as possible. 

How are car accident spinal injuries treated?

Dr. Hill recommends an individualized treatment plan based on your specific injury. If your auto accident injury doesn't improve with conservative care such as activity modification, physical therapy, and bracing, Dr. Hill may recommend spine surgery. 

Dr. Hill is a renowned expert in minimally invasive and robotic spine surgery, particularly disc fusions and artificial disc replacements. He can skillfully restore your spine and help you put the accident behind you forever.

Call Patrick Hill MD or schedule an appointment online for car accident help today.