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Robotic Spine Surgery Specialist

Patrick S Hill, MD -  - Spine Surgeon

Patrick S Hill, MD

Spine Surgeon & Disc Replacement Specialist located in Beverly Grove, Los Angeles, CA

If you experience debilitating discomfort, burning pain, numbness, or tingling because of a spine problem, highly skilled spine surgeon Patrick Hill, MD, in the Beverly Grove area of Los Angeles, California, can help. A part of DOCS Health, he offers robotic spine surgery using the most advanced equipment and procedures available to give you the long-lasting comfortability you desire. Call the Patrick Hill MD office to learn more or schedule an appointment online today.

Robotic Spine Surgery Q & A

What is robotic spine surgery?

Robotic spine surgery uses revolutionary robotic technology to maximize precision and accuracy during minimally invasive surgery. 

Dr. Hill uses cutting-edge ExcelsiusGPS® and MAZOR X STEALTH EDITION™ robotic systems to treat a variety of common spine problems, controlling the robotic surgical arms of advanced equipment to ensure optimal results.

What are the benefits of robotic spine surgery?

The many benefits of robotic spine surgery with Dr. Hill include:

  • Maximum precision and accuracy
  • High-tech robotic equipment
  • Minimal pain and downtime
  • Low risk of complications
  • Minimal blood loss
  • Tiny incisions
  • Quick recovery times
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Less ongoing discomfort
  • Reduced need for pain medication 
  • Highly effective results

Dr. Hill may recommend robotic spine surgery if you struggle with severe or ongoing back pain, neck pain, sciatica, spinal stenosis, tumors, disc issues, nerve problems, or other spine problems that contribute to discomfort.

How should I prepare for robotic spine surgery?

To determine if you’re a candidate for robotic spine surgery, Dr. Hill may complete lab work, a physical exam, and X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, or other imaging procedures.

Follow his detailed instructions before your scheduled surgery, which might include:

  • Stop taking certain medications
  • Don’t smoke
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery
  • Avoid foods and drinks the morning of surgery

These are general pre-surgery instructions, as your individualized directions may vary. 

What happens during the procedure?

Before robotic spine surgery, you receive anesthesia to numb the treatment area or make you fall asleep. Dr. Hill makes tiny incisions and uses robotic arms to repair or reconstruct parts of your spine. He then closes the incisions and takes you to a recovery area.

What should I expect after robotic spine surgery?

After robotic spine surgery, you may stay in the surgical center for a day or two. Get plenty of rest, wear a brace if needed, take medications as directed, and avoid strenuous activity until Dr. Hill gives you permission. Attend physical therapy sessions as needed and follow-up visits with Dr. Hill so he can assess healing progress and your pain levels.

To learn more about innovative robotic spine surgery and find out if it’s right for you, schedule an evaluation at Patrick Hill MD by phone or online today.