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Disc Replacement Specialist

Patrick S Hill, MD -  - Spine Surgeon

Patrick S Hill, MD

Spine Surgeon & Disc Replacement Specialist located in Beverly Grove, Los Angeles, CA

If you have a bulging or ruptured disc in your spine, it can feel painful and sometimes crippling. In the Beverly Grove area of Los Angeles, California, skilled spine surgeon Patrick Hill, MD, offers disc replacement to restore your spine’s health and eliminate discomfort. He is also a part of DOCS Health. Call the Patrick Hill MD office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today.

Disc Replacement Q & A

What is disc replacement?

Disc replacement is a type of spine surgery to remove a damaged spinal disc and replace it with an artificial disc. Dr. Hill specializes in anterior lumbar (lower spine) disc arthroplasty and cervical (upper spine) disc arthroplasty to alleviate discomfort and restore musculoskeletal functioning.

Why might I choose disc replacement?

Dr. Hill could recommend disc replacement if you struggle with severe or ongoing pain that doesn’t go away with conservative treatments. Your symptoms could include:

  • Headaches
  • Neck stiffness
  • Pain
  • Radiating pain
  • Weakness
  • Numbing
  • Tingling

Pain might appear in your neck, back, shoulders, arms, hands, or legs. Dr. Hill works with you to develop a treatment plan that’s right for you. Disc replacement offers highly effective, long-lasting results. 

How should I prepare for my procedure?

To get ready for anterior lumbar disc arthroplasty or cervical disc arthroplasty, follow Dr. Hill’s instructions:

  • Avoid taking certain medications if necessary
  • Don’t smoke
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery
  • Avoid foods and drinks the morning of surgery if needed 

Your personalized pre-surgery instructions vary based on the type of surgery and anesthesia you require.

What happens during disc replacement surgery?

Immediately before disc replacement, you often receive general anesthesia to make you fall asleep. Dr. Hill first makes a tiny incision near your spine and removes a damaged or diseased disc in the upper or lower part of your spine. 

Then, he replaces the disc with a synthetic one and secures it in place using advanced technology and procedures. 

Dr. Hill closes incisions with absorbable stitches, bandages the area, and may apply a brace or collar to restrict movement during the healing process. You then rest in a recovery area and might need to stay in the surgical center for a night or two.

What should I expect after disc replacement?

Follow all of your post-surgery instructions after disc replacement surgery. Take medications as directed, get plenty of rest, and avoid strenuous exercise until Dr. Hill permits you to do so. 

You may complete physical therapy sessions to enhance healing. Over time, you can expect less pain and improved spine health. 

To find out if disc replacement is right for you, call Patrick Hill MD or schedule an appointment online today.